“Jaden’s editing comments are not only insightful and articulate, but she has an uncanny knack for divining the writer’s intentions so that her advice goes right to the heart of the story. She has helped me immeasurably in fully developing my characters and plot lines.”

Philip Cioffari, Award-winning author of Catholic Boys and Jesusville, Independent Screenwriter

“Jaden Terrell brings an eye to editing that encompasses more than the nits and grammar, the POV and the continuity. She understands the characters and what makes them tick….Her editing not only makes your book better, it makes *you* better as you grasp her deep understanding of the people you created. She’s a respectful editor, giving you the hard criticism with a good dose of what you did right and more than a little humor. She never condescends but always strives to lift you up. I choose Jaden to edit my materials because she’s rare and wonderful and she makes me feel rare and wonderful, too.”

                              – Nancy Sartor, author of Bones Along the Hill

“Jaden Terrell is a rare editing talent, combining macro and micro perspective so necessary to ensure entertaining and cohesive structure, plot, sub-plot, tenor, voice and character development in addition to stronger, active verbs and correct grammar. But Jaden also knows the author’s psyche, understands well when to insist and when to abide — and she’s always empathetic. She’s the editor’s editor. “

                            – Ben Small, author of Alibi on Ice and The Olive Horseshoe

“I have authored three books and used numerous editors but none come close to Jaden Terrell’s editing. Ms Terrell was kind enough to take me on for my third book, Poison Promise. She uniquely focuses on the story – its flow, its continuity and its message(s). She patiently taught me how important character point of view (POV) is and how POV relates to the reader’s perspective. She taught me subtle tricks you’ll never learn from traditional editors… Moreover, Ms. Terrell does her work quickly and efficiently. Her editing turnaround time is uniquely fast as well as accurate and she is always there for you should you have a question. I will certainly use Jaden Terrell again for my next book and I strongly recommend her to you.”

                           – Paul Evancoe – author of Own the Night, Violent Peace and Poison Promise

Jaden Terrell’s editorial expertise has proven invaluable to me.  She is wonderful to work with: thorough and dependable, and she offers a wealth of terrific suggestions and advice. She is a true professional, and I recommend her highly. Thanks, Jaden!”

                              – Alana White, author of The Sign of the Weeping Virgin

“I had been writing for years, but kept putting it all on a back burner, waiting for publication to come someday. Then, when I decided to get serious, I was fortunate enough to meet Jaden. Jaden has patiently and knowledgeably steered me through my excursions into the world of the written word, helping me with minor details as well as guiding me in focusing, tightening, foreshadowing, and other aspects necessary for preparing my work to present to potential editors or agents. Without the encouragement and assistance of Jaden Terrell, I’m afraid all my work would still be sitting on that back burner, waiting for someday.”

                               – Rosalyn Rikel Ramage, Author of three middle grade mysteries              and Millicent’s Tower, published by Five Star Mysteries

“Jaden] Terrell is more than a good writing coach. She is a great person: honest in her criticism yet kind, diplomatic and nurturing. She’s also good-humored, well-read, smart, and an author herself. And man, is she creative! In our developmental sessions, I can almost see her brain lighting up like a pinball machine.”

– George P. Van